Michael Carrano
Michael Carrano is a mobile software engineer in NYC.
You should follow him on Github and connect on LinkedIn.
- web EzyFree Earn rewards for participating in online surveys.
- web Perfect Pitch HRD Raising money for mentally and physically handicapped children and young adults.
- android 7 Minute Workout Android application to help you complete the 7 Minute Workout exercises.
- web Sttack Android application for making introductions simple. Developed on a bus from NYC to TX.
- android Doge 2048 Android application to play the fun and addicting 2048 game but with doge. Such amaze!
- android SUP? Android application which implements basic functionality of the Yo app using the Parse API.
- android Detective Droid Android application that shows what SDKs/Libraries are used in installed applications.
- web Zombie Startup Easily register the domain of a failed startup and bring it back to life.
- note Finding shaded stadium seats July 23, 2024
- note Fix iPhone not sending/receiving text and photos with Android devices November 06, 2023
- note M1 Macbook with Dell S3221QS Monitor July 01, 2022
- note Vertical vegetable garden July 01, 2022
- note Life changing products June 15, 2022
- note Why so negative? August 20, 2021
- note How I bought multiple PlayStation PS5 and Xbox Series X August 20, 2021
- note StartupBus NY 2014 April 06, 2014
- note Maintain ListView Position in Android Application January 23, 2014
- note 7 Minute Workout App for Android January 22, 2014
- note Google should develop a hearing aid November 01, 2013
- note Using Github with Android Studio October 25, 2013
- note Maintain Privacy Online August 27, 2013
- note Update on 30 Day Challenge August 22, 2013
- note Just build it July 30, 2013
- note My first hackathon experience July 30, 2013
- note Deploying sinatra app on DigitalOcean with nginx and thin September 22, 2012
- note Redeveloping my personal site September 17, 2012
- note Disconnecting from technology August 28, 2012
- note TechCrunch Hackathon 2012 May 23, 2012
- note Map Box.net drive on Mac and Windows December 07, 2011
- note Google CR-48 Notebook Review February 06, 2011
- note Hoboken Tech Meetup October 31, 2010
- note Cross Browser Testing October 24, 2010
- note Entrepreneur Seminar with Paul Lewis September 17, 2010
- note A former Microsoft employee's view on the future of the web August 17, 2010
- note My computer is slow August 16, 2010