Michael Carrano
Michael Carrano is a mobile software engineer in NYC.
You should follow him on Github and connect on LinkedIn.
Life changing products
Published by Michael Carrano on June 15, 2022
I am not a big fan of wearing clothing that has large logos/branding, nor do I like to write about products I use. However, this is a special circumstance.
There are two products I have been using for some time now that have changed my life. Hyperbole? Probably.
I am not a fan of cold weather but I can be warmed up to it as I do enjoy snowboarding. I do not enjoy everything that is involved in getting up to the top of the mountain, namely being in the cold. It is all worth it once I start to go down the mountain.
A towel warmer has made taking a shower/bath in the cold winters much more enjoyable. Now, I always have a warm towel waiting for me.
When I was living on my own, laundry consisted of just separating the whites from colors. Then throw everything into the washer or dryer. Then I moved in with my wife (we moved in together before marriage) where she had a list of rules that I couldn’t keep up with. T-shirts had to be inside out, zippers separate, towels separate, etc.
So we ended up getting a 4-section laundry hamper and doing laundry has never been easier. Everything is presorted the way she prefers things and I can just pop the clothes in the washer/dryer without having to remember any rules.
Sometimes the biggest life improvements do not require any technology. I hope you consider the above products and share if they have changed your life too.